Automation with Artificial Intelligence

‘Artificial Intelligence’ has enabled us to explore tremendous possibilities in every field. Humans learn with experience, and machines are also, so their performance is increasing. The logic rules, i.e., coding, are improving, thus making the devices work efficiently and effectively. The machines are now used in strenuous or uninteresting, painful or dangerous jobs, freeing people who can be trained for something else. It leads to an era of automation with state of the art in technology. The companies have started determining whether any task can be automated, with most minor human interference. However, the adoption of automation is lower than its potential due to economic-social regulatory constraints and necessary re-skilling.

The machine’s capabilities far exceed humans in data acquisition and processing and can establish winning strategies in well-defined environments. Hence, companies seek process automation, which requires high human intervention.

Transfer Learning

Machines would store knowledge gained by solving one problem, grouping unsorted information according to the similarities and differences, and applying it to a different related problem. Also, they would be used to make predictions based on an initial set of labelled data. The machines can perform a specific task without explicit instructions if initial data is unavailable. Thus, with AI, the devices sense their environment, think, learn and act in response to their programme objectives.

Assembler Robots

Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers are working on tiny assembler robots that can build massive structures like spaceships, spacecraft or aeroplanes. These robots view themselves as part of the structure rather than as separate entities building a network. Both NASA and Airbus are interested in potentially using these robots in a new form of manufacturing.

Ananova As News Caster

Ananova, the first newscaster and presenter in charge of reading the news and conducting interviews with guests convincingly, was provided face, expressions, voice, and intonation and was well-modelled on the original. As It Now

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Latest News

(September 23, 2019) The Digital Humanities launch event was held in the Reactor, Microsoft Israel’s innovation space.
The Ben-Gurion University of the Negev and Microsoft Israel unveiled two remarkable tools to search the Ben-Gurion Archive of thousands of printed and handwritten pages scanned and uploaded online 20 years ago. Still, researchers could only “thumb” through the documents individually.
They construct causal vectors, trace issues and ideas through multiple documents and illuminate relationships through an interactive map.
A second tool integrates Ben-Gurion’s diaries into Outlook. It gives researchers the unique ability to see the diary entries on any date and understand how Israel’s most legendary leader made decisions over time.