ServerPronto is reducing its Carbon Footprint

ServerPronto continues its internal mandate to actively identify and replace hardware considered inefficient by today’s standards. It includes servers, networking equipment, and cooling infrastructure. Over the next few months, the company expects to decommission hundreds of devices.

“We all have an obligation to the planet and the environment,” says Chris Kurzweg, CEO of ServerPronto. “That’s why we’re taking steps to reduce excess energy consumption, and we’re absorbing the cost of the necessary hardware upgrades.”

The global data center carbon footprint is palpable: Seventeen percent of the total carbon footprint caused by technology is due to data centers. The electricity needed to run these data centers is nearly 30 billion watts.

The energy savings are substantial. Newer hardware often takes 1⁄5 of the power consumed by older devices, and that’s not even taking into account the benefits of less heat generation.
As a bonus, newer hardware is generally more powerful and reliable, which makes this move better for customers as well as the environment.

As Kurzweg states, “We’ve taken great care to ensure that hardware changes result in improved performance for customers as well as reduced energy consumption.” This move shows how ServerPronto continues to innovate in the dedicated and cloud hosting industry while offering fast, reliable, and affordable service.

About ServerPronto

ServerPronto has been a leader in dedicated server hosting for over 15 years and supports thousands of dedicated server customers in 99+ countries. With on-site technicians 24/7, ServerPronto offers a personalized customer service experience and a variety of dedicated servers to choose from. Other standard benefits include 2 hr average provisioning time, 100% Uptime SLA, Free Setup Assistance, 24/7/365 Customer Support, 24/7 Hardware Replacement, Full Root Access on all dedicated servers, Month-to-Month billing, 7-day Money Back Guarantee, Premium Multi-Homed Bandwidth and more.


María L. Méndez Flores
Writer and Contact Marketer
Phone: (877) 247-7668

Applying Statistics Formula, Functions and Techniques on Business Data

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Applying Statistics

Applying Statistics Formula

Decision-making and drawing inferences from data are the activities of most managers. Data is collected, analyzed, described and visualized in presentations for easy and quick understanding. As we go higher in the business hierarchy, data becomes less as it gets processed for information.

Descriptive Statistics

Most managers show interest only in crucial data points and their impact on the complete dataset. They apply statistical functions, methods and techniques to understand and learn the data, which is the primary foundation of business. The visualizations in graphs and charts help them better understand which of their products are most sold in a specific market at a particular time. Thus, they gather all such types of descriptive statistics for their business.

Applying the Statistics formula, they collect the what-if analysis reports. By viewing the last year’s accounts or previous data, they project sales and thus control the production.

Inferential Statistics

The company does market analysis; for that, they conduct a survey study on a small market subset and conclude on that basis. The inferential statistics represent the entire market. The strategies applied in inferential statistics include sampling and models.

Data Mining Done by Google

There are companies which deal with billions of records, like Google. Google does algorithmic data analysis of the information it collects from different websites. It said its statistical analysis includes deep learning and machine learning techniques. The entire automated crawl process reviews the extensive database it contains and creates. The goal of the crawl process as a whole or data mining is to list websites in their search directory by patterns and knowledge they put in an algorithm. Thus giving the best listings the top positions on a searched keyword. SEO researchers can further analyze and understand the listing structure and try to reshape their website’s content to move ahead in a listing.

Adding Directory Password

Adding password protection to a directory using .htaccess is a two-step process.
The first part is adding the appropriate lines to your .htaccess file in the directory you want to protect. Everything below this directory will be password protected:

AuthName “Section Name”
AuthType Basic
AuthUserFile /full/path/to/.htpasswd
Require valid-user

You will need to change a few parts of this for your site. You should replace “Section Name” with the name of the part of the site you protect, e.g. “Members Area”.

The /complete/path/to/.htpasswd should be changed to reflect the full server path to the .htpasswd file (more on later).

Password protecting a directory takes a little more work than any of the other .htaccess functions because you may also create a file containing the usernames and passwords allowed to access the site.
These should be placed in a file which (by default) should be called .htpasswd.
Like the .htaccess file, this is a file with no name and an 8-letter extension. This can be placed anywhere within your website (as the passwords are encrypted), but it is advisable to store it outside the web root so that it is impossible to access it from the web.

Enter the usernames and passwords to access the site once you have created your .htpasswd file in a notepad. They should be joined as follows:

username: password

Where the password is the encrypted format of the password. To encrypt the password, you must either use one of the premade scripts available on the web or write your own.

Add extra lines to your .htpasswd file in the same format as the first for multiple users. There are even scripts available for free that will manage the .htpasswd file and allow automatic adding/removing of users, etc.

To access a site, you need to give the URL as follows:

HTTP:// username :

Impartial data-driven Review And Rating website SiteGeek

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Impartial data-driven

Impartial data-driven

Sitegeek is a leading, highly competitive web hosting comparison website. It lists web hosting companies to increase their brand awareness and SEO visibility. Furthermore, it enables web hosting customers to make informed buying decisions.

Target Audience

Customers who wish to share their hosting experiences, reviews, opinions, comments or feedback.
Visitors looking for web hosting companies can choose them further as hosting providers.
The Customers who are looking for solutions for the hosting issues.


To provide a qualitative analysis of the web hosting companies and their services

About SiteGeek – Impartial data-driven delivers the critical aspect that helps customers choose the web hosting company for their individual or business website. The website also provides tutorials and a knowledge base on website creation tools like WordPress and SiteBuilders.

Before buying space for a website or choosing a domain name, a customer wants to know everything about the provider. To create a site efficiently, does the provider offer the entire spectrum of quality features?

The impartial data-driven website Sitegeek weighs the advantages and disadvantages of individual companies, compares them, and periodically releases web hosting reports. It lists the most renowned branded hosting services providers in the market.

Reviews and Rating by other providers

There are thousands of web hosting review and rating websites, but credibility is proportional to the website’s reputation. Today’s web hosting customer is powerful and aware of the value of foreknowledge and knowledge and the perils of acting on a false hoax. Still, the desire to be informed and know is one’s respect. The hosting market is flooded with conflicting reports from anonymous writers, confusing the customer in host selection. Such words come faster with content and entertainment value, but reliability is still questionable. Feedback on SiteGeek, an Impartial data-driven website

Ananova trusts Sitegeek as an online media source to fulfil hosting customers’ unique interests and preferences. It collects, analyzes, and interprets a web hosting company’s information and the latest news. Furthermore, it presents visitors’ opinions, beliefs, comments, and feedback. It enables them to calculate the customer’s attitude towards the company.