Advise To Get Rid of Unwanted Unsolicited Emails

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Advise to Avoid unwanted, unsolicited emails

Using Filters to avoid unwanted, unsolicited emails

unwanted unsolicited emails

Often, we don’t even want to look into the junk folder where hundreds of emails marked as spam reside, filtered by email filter programs. Sometimes, we deny that we haven’t received an email from your side. And the business asks to check the spam folder and whitelist them. Optimize filter levels by regularly monitoring the junk folder.

Most would complain about why filters can’t be automatically adjusted according to the preferences and depending on the user’s reporting and activity.

Report to Agencies for unwanted, unsolicited emails

Once the user marks any mail landing in its inbox as spam, it should automatically be reported to agencies that curb spammers. The agencies would further inform the email providers to stop the user’s activity, delete the account, or prepare to face legal complexities.

Stop Email exposure to avoid unwanted, unsolicited emails.

Find out the sites where your email is exposed and where spammers add it to their database. Some people share their email IDs on social media platforms to be publicly available. On Facebook, in the About section, you can find millions of such people whose email IDs are publicly shared, thus openly inviting the spammers. This email is shared for people to contact and check regularly. The Ananova technical team advises using secondary, temporary, or disposal emails with proper filter sets on social media platforms. The filters would redirect the selected emails to a primary email address. Never share private information, which includes email, in tweets, posts or forums. Sometimes, people provide their personal information in return for luring bribes.

How often have you seen people changing their email IDs as they forget their credentials. Cybercriminals hack such emails, and they use it for their malicious activities.

Sometimes, business shares their employees, partners, and franchise data on their website, which include their contact details, person to contact, address and other information. Hence, always keep personal and business identities separate to avoid spammers.

About atmail

atmail is supremely powerful and lightning-fast, a web-based mail client with a strong focus on the user experience.

Since 1998, atmail has delivered next-generation email solutions to meet the commercial needs of service providers and businesses worldwide. Today, with offices in Australia and the US, atmail is the dominant email messaging platform — delivering intuitive, innovative, scalable and customizable email solutions.