365 Days Cloud Office

Cloud Hosting

Evolution is striving to reach for the stars, and the evolutionary cloud computing sure takes computing to a new high or, dare I say, cloud No. 9. Cloud computing is based on the concept of “sharing”. In large companies with massive hardware and software requirements, the costs required to buy these resources are very high. Imagine the need to purchase software and their licenses for individual users!

Here is where cloud computing comes in handy: instead of an entire software suite, a lone application (an interface or even a web browser) to connect to a convenient cloud network is enough.

The cloud= (hardware + software + storage + service + interface) is delivered, nullifying the need to own these. Email is an excellent example of cloud computing as neither the software nor the storage exists on the local computer but on the cloud of the server’s computer. Another good example is Google and Amazon, which encapsulate their IT resources in the cloud, eliminating the complex constraints of time, space, cost and power.

Virtual servers are available across the internet in cloud computing (also called utility computing).

A cloud system has a:

Front end: user sees (computer and application to access the cloud)

Back end: cloud section, which processes and combines the computer server and data storage systems.

Advantages of cloud computing.

  • Saving of space ,time ,power and cost(energy, people, hardware and capital)
  • IT support expenses are reduced
  • Timesharing
  • Any time access
  • An unlimited number of machines acts as one system.
  • There is no constraint between distance and the device.
  • The server’s RAM, processing power, storage capacity and bandwidth don’t limit productivity.
  • End users don’t need to know about the employed technology.
  • There is no need for physical space to share servers and databases.
  • There is no need to buy software and software licences for every employee.
  • Execution of all programs a regular computer is capable of.
  • It is an attractive opportunity to outsource IT services, and everything can be considered a service.

Safety measures while adopting cloud computing

  • Although most companies that offer cloud computing consider data security paramount because nothing can be of more importance to them than their goodwill, the trustworthiness of the third parties handling the sensitive and confidential chunks of data may cause companies to be sceptical about cloud adoption. This can be reduced if the cloud service providers use firewalls, intrusion detection systems, antivirus software and other security parameters to gain trust.
  • Also, extra protection for susceptible data would increase customer trust. A good idea is to ask the cloud technology suppliers to give a copy of the security procedures installed to check that all required controls are in place and intact to handle this susceptible contract.
  •  Ensuring that the cloud computing provider has data logs that record who has had accessando data is, moreover, when that access has occurred.
  • Reading is crucial, and understanding the privacy statements is a must-do. You must know what measures to take if your privacy is breached or violated.
  • Also, ensure that the company maintains integritywhenf not using your data for marketing activities or other related campaigns.
  • The physical security of the cloud computing data centres, like backup power supplies, several internet connections, multiple hard drives and theft-proof by installing new age systems like biometrics, is also vital.

There is a long list of service providers who provide cloud hosting services. While the experts believe that Amazon Web Services (AWS) tops the list, there are others like Rackspace Inc., CenturyLink/Savvis, Salesforce.com, Verizon/Terremark, VMware, Bluelock, Citrix, Joyent and Microsoft who are making a mark. They have very capable and well-trained staff and excellent data centre facilities.

So moving to a cloud office will let you concentrate all your energy and money on growing your business and improving your efficiency, and it makes good business sense.