Country Specific TLD

The use of the country specific domains in the business world is immense. There are a good number of service providers who sell these domains. In fact, the market crammed with the service providers who sell these domains.


Especially the big business uses the ccTLDs (the country code top level domains) for their best services. There are some facilities that one gets out of these domains. However, there are some steps in choosing the domains as well as understanding the restrictions that are attached to it.

The country specific domains are the most useful for the vast country based business. The primary focus of these businessmen stays in that case, to increase the growth of their business within the boundary of the country at first. As these domains exactly serve that purpose, they use them very often in this way. These domains have gained immense popularity. Also, the non-governmental organizations use the country specific domains to reach the residents of a country more and more.

The country code top-level domains are those which are reserved exclusively for one country. As seen, many sovereign states as well use these domains. The most interesting part of the ccTLD is that the domains contain the foreign languages as well as the regional languages. So, while operating in the domain, the user can use both the languages for his promotional matters. At the same time, the all the applications of the domain also have the local languages.

It is not a massive problem to use the country specific domains. However, the company or the businessman, in that case, has to produce sufficient documents to purchase these domains. As these domains are reserved for the use of the country residents as well as the state-based organizations, the government makes a proper check before allowing the usage.

However, recently, there is very few dependent of sovereign parties who are making the country specific domains open for the international usage. By using those domains, one can have a far more reach to the customers. The usage of these domains being on the optimal level in the individual countries, the internet users view them more than the international domains.

These domains are controlled by an entire administrative body that filters as well as checks the elements used in the domains. Whether it is in the case of the website content or the purpose of the sites, the administrative body makes a proper observation about all of these parts. This filtering helps in using the sites in two ways.

Firstly there stays a little chance of the domains getting infected by the malware’s as well as the spam. Secondly, the maintenance of the domains is done on a very regular basis making the users at ease in using it. However, there are some restrictions attached to its usages, like the domains cannot be utilized for the international business. Also, the country specific domains restricted for internal usage.

Companies Price Review Domain | Hosting Cost Visit Now
cpwebhosting $9.95/yr. USA/UK/AU/BG/FI Domain $9.95/yr

Hosting $2.75/mo.

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networksolutions $9.96/Yr. Read Review Domain $15.00 /yr

Hosting $9.96/mo.

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godaddy $1.00/mo. Read Review Domain $12.99 Yearly

Hosting $1.00/mo.

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inmotion $5.99/mo. Read Review Domain $14.99 Yearly

Hosting $5.99/mo.

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Domain reselling Business

There are a lot of rising companies who have taken domain reselling a business for the long run. It is thought to be a very profitable online business venture. However, it is also suggested by the domain specialists that one should think and make wise choices to make the business profitable. Choosing the parent provider is the first important thing to be considered first.


It is important to make a very proficient parent provider as the established registrar before. There are a lot of skilled ones in the market. As the domain reseller, choosing the right registrar is the first step to attaining the business success. The accredited registrars generally can offer the lowest price for their services. They also provide the expert professional business suggestions that are very much necessary for carrying the business to success.

The best thing in making domain reselling a business is that the firm makes maximum profit with minimum expenditure. It’s possible as the registrars make a marginal profit out of the whole process. The more the business promoted, the more the register offers the business owner discounts. Besides the company can provide the customers with decent packages.

For doing domain reselling business, it’s done in two ways. 

  1. Firstly, the company will have a large chunk of the market for domain reselling. The outcome of the promotions and advertisements.
  2. The second thing is to retain that chunk of customers. It is not an easy task. For that client’s trust is to be earned. The company, for making it possible, has to depend on the three factors, the parent provider, the web hosting provider as well as the registrar.

Broadening the business area is another important matter. The packages offered to the customers have to be very attractive from their point of view. The company should also make sure that the packages offered help in every way the client’s purpose of the renewal of the domain name and hosting services.

The customers look for domains that are generic, category defining, and short. They select those area categories that they are aware of and would like to process the search options through that domain. Other than that there is the issue of the price range. Making domain reselling a business means to deliver the cheapest, yet the most attractive packages to the customers.

With the best packages as well as best pricing, there are a lot of companies in the world market presently. The competitions are also high. But the key to success in this realm of business is managing to provide the discounts. The more the discounts given, the more the clients will be attracted. It should be kept in mind also that to do this business, in the long run, and one needs to adapt the selling skills as well as market analysis. Only then one can earn enough revenues by making domain reselling business.

Companies Review Domain | Hosting Cost Visit Now
cpwebhosting USA/UK/AU/BG/FI Domain $9.95/yr

Hosting $2.75/mo.

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networksolutions Read Review Domain $15.00 /yr

Hosting $9.96/mo.

Visit Now
godaddy Read Review Domain $12.99 Yearly

Hosting $1.00/mo.

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inmotion Read Review Domain $14.99 Yearly

Hosting $5.99/mo.

Visit Now

AppServHosting Offer Domain Hosting Services


AppServ Limited Partnership is an internet solution and domain services provider that was founded back in 2006 and is a branch of the
Click on the Link given below to visit AppServHosting

This company is an accredited ICANN domain registrar and offers domain services such as domain renewals, domain transfer, domain management and domain registration. It also provides SSL certificates and reliable web hosting solutions with various plans from which to choose. It further uses SSD hard drives to provide optimal speed and performance. has a reliable customer care team that is available round the clock to cater to customers’ needs.


Gethosting online expertise to local Irish business


Gethosting is an Irish based company, offering various hosting solutions including web domains, web hosting, and web services. Currently, company is providing solutions to individual, SME’s, organization and businesses.
Click on the Link given below to visit Gethosting

It delivers 99.7% uptime guarantee, therefore customer’s website is always up and running 24/7. Their servers are highly secure and monitored all the time. Protection from virus and spam, privacy in emails and files are encrypted including 256-bit security. Gethosting provides hosting features such as unlimited domains and bandwidth, DDoS protection, cPanel, 45-day money back guarantee, forwarding auto responder, 200 plus apps in one click, free email address and many more.

All About Xtraorbit Hosting Services


Xtraorbit offers hosting solutions especially small and medium sized businesses. Company is Egypt based hosting provider.
Click on below link for more details:

They have various hosting options to choose from. Data centers are located in Texas and Egypt. Serving thousands of customers from 50 different countries. Their hosting services include dedicated servers, Shared hosting with unlimited services and VPS. Their data centers offer power sources and redundant network along with 99.9% uptime guarantee. Xtraorbit provides excellent hosting features including unlimited bandwidth, disk space, raw access, also offers eCommerce service, get complimentary antivirus to keep the site clean and hassle free. Their support team have qualified and experienced engineers available 24/7 via phone, email or live chat. Get number of template design options for site builder.

Domainit Review and Uptime Report


Domainit is a popular domain name industry offers efficient and fast means to meet domain name management and hosting needs.Company was founded in 1996, constantly providing an outstanding hosting solution and unparallel customer support.
Click on below link for more details:

Their web hosting features include detailed, powerful visitor statistics, custom POP3 email addresses, top class customer support, PHP, Perl and CGI support, spam and virus filters, free scripts and more. Moreover, their search engine increase customer’s website traffic quickly, SSL certificates makes website secure and safe. Company has a number of website templates that make website beautiful and impressive. Customer support is available 24/7 via phone, email, live chat. Support staff resolves customer issues instantly with 30-day money back guarantee as well.

Personal Branding and Your Domain Name

Personal branding: ‘the process whereby people and their careers are marked as brands.’ This definition was taken from a Google search, and it pretty much sums up what you want to do if you are your own business.


Beware of the Cyber Squatters

Now a days this happens generally that some outer world persons or nodes steals your domain name, but how can they make it possible then the answer is they could register, and do the same thing with Your Domain, therefore contacting you and try to sell you those names at advanced prices. If that doesn’t work, then the following events could happen.

They will allow your competitor to get a domain that sounds like yours, and allow him to cause confusion or try to steal your hard-earned traffic, business and clients. Take these steps right now to halt the cyber squatters.

Go through your domain name registrar and fill in a form that locks in authorized entities of your claim of other domain names. You can buy these names and keep them under your roof. In this way you can save your domain.

Shared and Static IP Addresses

One term you see tossed around a lot in web hosting is IP addresses. There are basically two types of IP addresses: static and shared.

When someone types in the address: that name is translated into numbers (called an IP address) and then the computer is directed to that IP address which is the web site. Every web site on the internet is found not by its domain name but by its IP address. IP addresses are in the format similar to, four discreet blocks separated by periods. You can reach a site by typing in the IP address alone and that will take you directly to the site.

Now every single website has an IP address specifically allocated to it. For example, every single website on this server does not use different IP addresses. If every site used a different IP address there could potentially could be a problem with running out of IP addresses. A lot of the sites on this server, and other servers on the internet, use one IP address for multiple sites. The server basically steps in and does a millisecond of work and saves an IP address. Using more than one site on an IP address is called sharing IPs or a Shared IP address. If a site has its own IP address, and shares with no one else, it is called a Static IP address. You can always reach a site which has a static IP address by using its IP address alone, but you can’t reach a site using a shared IP address by typing in the IP address alone because when you type in a shared IP address you arrive at the server but the server doesn’t know which site you want because you haven’t told it which domain name you want.

The main reason for having a static IP address is that you can only use SSL encryption (the stuff that makes e-commerce happen) on a static IP address. In order for a person to transmit sensitive data over the internet at times this data must be encrypted to prevent someone from intercepting the information. You can only use this encryption (called SSL) when the web site has its own IP address (static IP). It doesn’t work on a shared IP. So when a website takes in order with a person’s credit card it needs to encrypt this data and it uses SSL with its static IP. Another reason for having a static IP address is that if a web site wanted to have anonymous ftp transfers (basically where anyone can download files off a site) the site needs to have a static IP address to handle the anonymous ftp transfer. Other than these two reasons there is no need for a site to have its own IP address.